Available in stores only
This Byron Bay Bone Broth product is
- 18 Hour slow cooked.
- Made from free range happy chickens.
- Organic chicken broth.
Tip; Perfect for a batch of chicken rissoles - your kids will love it! .. stay tuned for our custom BBBB cookbook launching online later this year. This product is designed to keep your gut health on point and your tastebuds merry. Use this as an alternative to any of generic stocks - you'll never look back!
Just add water to this powdered version, and use it as a liquid in making soups, stews sauces and reductions - please refer to our recipe list for the tastiest meals and creative solutions.
One cup per person per day is recommended as an immunity health boost.
Includes ingredients: collagen and gelatin, trace levels of minerals, and GAG’s.
Safe to use and FREE from contamination of heavy metals!
Discover more health benefits ..